Friday, June 26, 2015

Why you should join the PTP Allstars instead of one of the other teams in Pro Travel Plus

As one of the founders, and master distributor and a field leader in Pro Travel Plus, I'm somewhat partial to the PTP Allstars. 

I helped to lay the ground work for the team. 

I set up the Facebook group, named the team, set up a team marketing system, as well as built the team training site.

There are a lot of great teams with a lot of great leaders in Pro Travel Plus. I'm not here to down play any other team. 

I would just like to take a second to tell to why I Think you should join the PTP Allstars....

  1. Team Support- Myself and many of the other team leaders are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer any questions or concerns you may have. In this industry, that's practically unheard of! 
  2. Team training- In our exclusive team training site, we cover from the basics of building a business online, to more advanced training like paid advertising and text messaging campaigns. Regardless of what Level of marketer you are, we can help to increase your skillset.
  3. Team System- We have a custom team system to help you generate leads online, capture those leads, and convert those leads. No other team can say that. They really on the company provided system. That's fine, but we have gone above and beyond to help you Stand out from the crowd. 

Take a second to think about it. This industry can be rough, especially if you feel like you're in it on your own. Join a team. Join a good team. 

Learn more about Pro Travel Plus and the PTP Allstars by visiting: